Beware of ungodly experts.

Beware of ungodly experts.

Beware of ungodly experts.

These are people the world systems have propped up and told you that you should take their advice and pay close attention to their wisdom. Beware of ungodly counselors. A teacher is a counselor. A professor is a counselor. A news commentator, journalist, Reporter, News Anchor, Correspondent, Newscaster, or Editor is a counselor. An author is a counselor. A government spokesperson is a counselor. A scientist or doctor is a counselor. A friend is a counselor. This is a partial list. These are persuaders in your life if you let them be. You may need expert advice from an electrician, plumber, mechanic, or other professional, but let Jesus be your counselor to sort through what is truth and what is fiction. There’s a lot of fiction out there parading itself around as fact.

If you work in one of these roles, remember that you are there to be a Godly counselor. Don’t let the world conform you into its mold. Don’t let the world make you speak ungodly messages.